My Cecelia: Top 8 Allergen Free Baking

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Spiders crawling on your cookies

Here is the last installment of Halloween cookie decorating tutorials this year. I hope you have had as much fun as I did! And because it’s the end I am showing you how to make two types of cookies.

First make your favorite sugar cookies and any cookie cutter(s) you desire.

Then create the colors of icing using a recipe of 1 cup powdered sugar and 1-3TBSP non dairy milk.

You can use a flood method which is when you fill the entire cookie with color or outline part of the shape you desire.

Let’s start with the more simple shape of the spider.

For this cookie, I only use one color and used a Valentines cookie cutter. I draw a small oval shape for the center body part and legs.

Let dry completely so you can see the parts of the spider are different.

Next draw the bottom and the head. That’s it simple, fun, and quicker to dry which makes it ready to eat sooner!

Here is the more delicate, intricate version.

First outline the shape keeping a good edge of cookie so the icing won’t slide off.

Then fill it with just enough to mostly cover the cookie.

Next draw concentric circle like shapes in the existing color and a dot in the middle.

Now use a toothpick or even a sharp knife starting in the center and pull towards the edge.

Let dry completely and add a pinkie tip size dot.

Use your toothpick again and pull to create legs. Remember spiders have eight legs while bugs have six.

Once dry, share and eat all your Halloween cookies!
