Gluten Free Finds during Social Distancing
It has been close to two full months since we have been socially distant due to Covid-19. What do we all seek when we are stuck at home with limited activities and plans? Food of course. It makes us happy and gives us something to do until, well, the next meal comes around.
Chocolate Pudding Pie
My Cecelia is a chocoholic it seems. She loves everything she can get her hands on, as long as it’s nut free, that’s chocolate. Since the holiday season started she has also become a really big pie fan. So what do you do when you have a chocolate fan who loves pie? You make her the best chocolate pudding pie you can!
The Best Blueberry Crumble Pie There Ever Was
Pie! Who doesn’t think of pies when the holidays are in full swing? One of my family’s favorites is my blueberry crumble pie. Maybe it’s because I only make it once a year or that I make it with love but whatever the reason people can’t say enough good things about it. So what better way to spread the holiday cheer than to share this recipe with you?
Gluten Free in Newport
This past Columbus Day/Indigenous weekend he participated and completed his first marathon and I couldn’t be more proud of him! But now that we got all the running talk out of the way, let’s jump to all the delicious foods we ate.
Deciding to live Gluten Free
This January I decided to take the giant leap and go gluten free for my health. It has been a challenge but it has made an enormous difference. My entire adult life I have had a constant headache.
Growing up in a family of bakers meant there were always lots of yummy treats and desserts to be eaten and being Jewish meant there were some that only came out certain times of year. With Purim right around the corner hamantaschen are the staple dessert to be shared.
Gluten is Lurking
When you are newly diagnosed as having a gluten allergy or intolerance it can seem like it can pop up at any time and be anywhere. This can make your life full of anxiety and always second guessing yourself when it comes to foods.