The anniversary we will never forget
Four years ago we went to our allergist for a very simple food challenge and my Cecelia being my Cecelia things were not easy or straight forward. To put it mildly she failed that food challenge and trying another one with her allergies were not recommended. We have learned so much since that episode and because of that we are so proud to say she has not had a single episode of hives or reactions since that day.
Black and White… Cookies
When I was growing up I remember always having these cake-y cookies whenever we had extended family get togethers. Usually they were held at my grandparents house on the North Shore and one of the family would pick up Black and Whites from a Jewish deli/bakery near Boston. I didn’t know they were called Black and White Cookies until after college and that they aren’t a Jewish thing but a New York staple!
BB Treats
This treat is a combo of two of my favorite desserts I have created over the years. My Cecelia named them BB Treats- Blondies and Brownies together. They are decadent and truly addicting! The only hard part about making them is waiting for them to cool while they make the whole house smell so good.
Nostalgic Rice Pudding
With this whole social distancing all I want are comfort foods or foods I grew up loving. One of those desserts is rice pudding. I don’t know about you but there is something so warm and inviting, eating something so rich and creamy.
how would you react?
Man: Does this flavor have nuts in it?
Ice Cream Server: Is there an allergy?
M: Yes.
When “safe” isn’t safe...
My Cecelia is a social butterfly and loved by her peers. She is invited to many parties and play dates. Most, if not all. Of her friends know she has allergies and let their families know she needs to be safe.