The Switch Witch is a Good Witch
One of the best ways to enjoy the holiday is having the Switch Witch come to your house! Now the Switch Witch is a special lady who turns all those unsafe candies and treats into anything that is safe for your family. Be it stuffed animals, building toys, or specially designed cookies!
Here is how to create your own Switch Witch in cookie form.
Reindeer Decorations
It’s holiday time and with that most people think of decorated gingerbread to eat and share. And with top 8 free cookies these can easily be made with all the holiday magic we can bring to the table. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to turn these delicious gingerbread people into adorable reindeer!
The Best Blueberry Crumble Pie There Ever Was
Pie! Who doesn’t think of pies when the holidays are in full swing? One of my family’s favorites is my blueberry crumble pie. Maybe it’s because I only make it once a year or that I make it with love but whatever the reason people can’t say enough good things about it. So what better way to spread the holiday cheer than to share this recipe with you?
Spring has officially sprung. The sun is shining and the birds are noisily chattering and Easter is right around the corner.