Date Pinwheels
Have you ever had something in the back of the fridge or pantry that you swore you were going to enjoy and then just forgot about? Well I found half of bag of dried dates in the fridge and knew they could be forgotten no longer.
So date pinwheel cookies were just the perfect treat to make!
Linzer Cookies that taste Even better than they look!
Linzer cookies are something that I remember eating in my grandparents’ kitchen as a child. They always seemed to have tins of cookies and Linzer cookies were one of my favorites with that delicious combo of raspberry jam and buttery cookies.
Growing up in a family of bakers meant there were always lots of yummy treats and desserts to be eaten and being Jewish meant there were some that only came out certain times of year. With Purim right around the corner hamantaschen are the staple dessert to be shared.