Nostalgic Rice Pudding
With this whole social distancing all I want are comfort foods or foods I grew up loving. One of those desserts is rice pudding. I don’t know about you but there is something so warm and inviting, eating something so rich and creamy.
how would you react?
Man: Does this flavor have nuts in it?
Ice Cream Server: Is there an allergy?
M: Yes.
Traveling with Allergies or Intolerances
We are back to the hustle and bustle of summer schedules instead of being pampered in paradise. Now that we are home there are a few things that we can agree that were good, bad or ugly about traveling with allergies and food intolerances.
When “safe” isn’t safe...
My Cecelia is a social butterfly and loved by her peers. She is invited to many parties and play dates. Most, if not all. Of her friends know she has allergies and let their families know she needs to be safe.