BB Treats
This treat is a combo of two of my favorite desserts I have created over the years. My Cecelia named them BB Treats- Blondies and Brownies together. They are decadent and truly addicting! The only hard part about making them is waiting for them to cool while they make the whole house smell so good.
Forbidden Brownies
These brownies should be illegal because not only are they fudgy, chocolatey, but also vegan top ten (yes you heard that right!) allergen free.
Burnt to Blondie
I burnt the first batch horribly. The second batch refused to release from the paper. The third batch was only slightly burnt yet undercooked and foamy. Like how do you get blondies to foam?
Product Review: SmashMallow Crispy Treats and my own version
I found Smash Mallow by accident while in the health food section of the grocery store.
The Ultimate Blondie FAIL...
Found a great recipe with only one cup flour and only one egg! It sounded delicious and was super quick and easy to make. With multiple ingredient swap I decided to go from squares to muffins. This was the beginning of where things went wrong.