Pinwheel cookies
What’s better than a cutout sugar cookie? A cute pinwheel cookie because it’s both vanilla and chocolate! It takes my simple cut out sugar cookie and adds another delicious element and design. Either way they are delicious!
Black and White… Cookies
When I was growing up I remember always having these cake-y cookies whenever we had extended family get togethers. Usually they were held at my grandparents house on the North Shore and one of the family would pick up Black and Whites from a Jewish deli/bakery near Boston. I didn’t know they were called Black and White Cookies until after college and that they aren’t a Jewish thing but a New York staple!
Nostalgic Rice Pudding
With this whole social distancing all I want are comfort foods or foods I grew up loving. One of those desserts is rice pudding. I don’t know about you but there is something so warm and inviting, eating something so rich and creamy.
Food restrictions and food allergies during the pandemic
As we are going into our fifth week of social distancing we are starting to get into a rhythm. We have virtual schooling, messaging and video calling friends, lots of outside time when the weather is favorable. Yet our meals have been mostly normal except our poor Cecelia had a nasty accident on the school playground right before schools were shut down…
Forbidden Brownies
These brownies should be illegal because not only are they fudgy, chocolatey, but also vegan top ten (yes you heard that right!) allergen free.
Simply the Best Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes
When you think of vegan cupcakes most people think chocolate. This is because most vanilla cupcakes just aren’t quite right when you change or substitute an ingredient. It’s either too dry, flavorless, or grainy. In other words, it’s not great, so it’s not worth eating. Well that is a thing of the past
Chocolate Dream Donuts
It has come to my attention that I had a great variety of tasty baked donuts but I was missing one of the best ones around- chocolate! With my Cecelia being the chocoholic, that she is, this was a huge misstep for me.
Cut out Sugar Cookies
With the holidays right around the corner the only thing I want are cut out sugar cookies! The problem with most are they are laden with butter, wheat, eggs, and other off limits ingredients for someone living with food allergies or intolerances.
The Best Blueberry Crumble Pie There Ever Was
Pie! Who doesn’t think of pies when the holidays are in full swing? One of my family’s favorites is my blueberry crumble pie. Maybe it’s because I only make it once a year or that I make it with love but whatever the reason people can’t say enough good things about it. So what better way to spread the holiday cheer than to share this recipe with you?
how would you react?
Man: Does this flavor have nuts in it?
Ice Cream Server: Is there an allergy?
M: Yes.
When “safe” isn’t safe...
My Cecelia is a social butterfly and loved by her peers. She is invited to many parties and play dates. Most, if not all. Of her friends know she has allergies and let their families know she needs to be safe.