Chocolate Dream Donuts
It has come to my attention that I had a great variety of tasty baked donuts but I was missing one of the best ones around- chocolate! With my Cecelia being the chocoholic, that she is, this was a huge misstep for me.
Gluten Free and Vegan Apple Cinnamon muffins
Fall is in full swing here in Massachusetts and of course my family has to go apple picking (multiple times!) at the local orchard(s). We love going for not only the fruit but the family bonding, memories, tractor rides, and the playgrounds.
Now with all these fun excursions there are a ton of apples that come into the house and for a family who does love their apples you can only eat so many before you turn into one so we make lots of fall apple recipes- like cider donuts, apple crisp, and now muffins.
When Dairy isn’t an option
How do you get enough calcium when you don’t eat or drink dairy? We just had this conversation at our pediatrician’s office at my Cecelia’s last physical.
Spring has officially sprung. The sun is shining and the birds are noisily chattering and Easter is right around the corner.