Simply the Best Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes
When you think of vegan cupcakes most people think chocolate. This is because most vanilla cupcakes just aren’t quite right when you change or substitute an ingredient. It’s either too dry, flavorless, or grainy. In other words, it’s not great, so it’s not worth eating. Well that is a thing of the past
Cut out Sugar Cookies
With the holidays right around the corner the only thing I want are cut out sugar cookies! The problem with most are they are laden with butter, wheat, eggs, and other off limits ingredients for someone living with food allergies or intolerances.
Gluten Free and Vegan Apple Cinnamon muffins
Fall is in full swing here in Massachusetts and of course my family has to go apple picking (multiple times!) at the local orchard(s). We love going for not only the fruit but the family bonding, memories, tractor rides, and the playgrounds.
Now with all these fun excursions there are a ton of apples that come into the house and for a family who does love their apples you can only eat so many before you turn into one so we make lots of fall apple recipes- like cider donuts, apple crisp, and now muffins.
The kitchen of my dreams
It’s done! It’s finally done! After what felt like an eternity our kitchen is 100% complete. From floors to ceiling everything has been removed, replaced, fixed, and positioned the way my dream kitchen was envisioned.
Burnt to Blondie
I burnt the first batch horribly. The second batch refused to release from the paper. The third batch was only slightly burnt yet undercooked and foamy. Like how do you get blondies to foam?
Good Bye 1970’s say hello to today!
We have taken the giant leap, and after scrimping and saving, have decided to renovate our kitchen!