Gluten Free Finds during Social Distancing
It has been close to two full months since we have been socially distant due to Covid-19. What do we all seek when we are stuck at home with limited activities and plans? Food of course. It makes us happy and gives us something to do until, well, the next meal comes around.
Nostalgic Rice Pudding
With this whole social distancing all I want are comfort foods or foods I grew up loving. One of those desserts is rice pudding. I don’t know about you but there is something so warm and inviting, eating something so rich and creamy.
Forbidden Brownies
These brownies should be illegal because not only are they fudgy, chocolatey, but also vegan top ten (yes you heard that right!) allergen free.
Simply the Best Vegan Vanilla Cupcakes
When you think of vegan cupcakes most people think chocolate. This is because most vanilla cupcakes just aren’t quite right when you change or substitute an ingredient. It’s either too dry, flavorless, or grainy. In other words, it’s not great, so it’s not worth eating. Well that is a thing of the past
The Best Blueberry Crumble Pie There Ever Was
Pie! Who doesn’t think of pies when the holidays are in full swing? One of my family’s favorites is my blueberry crumble pie. Maybe it’s because I only make it once a year or that I make it with love but whatever the reason people can’t say enough good things about it. So what better way to spread the holiday cheer than to share this recipe with you?
Gluten Free in Newport
This past Columbus Day/Indigenous weekend he participated and completed his first marathon and I couldn’t be more proud of him! But now that we got all the running talk out of the way, let’s jump to all the delicious foods we ate.
Gluten Free and Vegan Apple Cinnamon muffins
Fall is in full swing here in Massachusetts and of course my family has to go apple picking (multiple times!) at the local orchard(s). We love going for not only the fruit but the family bonding, memories, tractor rides, and the playgrounds.
Now with all these fun excursions there are a ton of apples that come into the house and for a family who does love their apples you can only eat so many before you turn into one so we make lots of fall apple recipes- like cider donuts, apple crisp, and now muffins.
Gluten Free Chocolate WACKY Cake
A great way to make a vegan cake is a Wacky Cake or Depression cake. It’s a cake that has no eggs, milk or butter but tastes yummy! But as we know the more items you take out of any dessert the less it stays together.
Gluten Free Apple Cider Donuts
Fall, the season of leaves changing colors on the trees and crisp cooler temperatures that beg for recipes that are full of cinnamon and spice! Here in Massachusetts the epitome of Fall is apples and apple picking.
Cake Flop to Cake Pop!
Ever make a cake that just isn’t right? It’s a bit dry. It’s shaped funny. It refused to come out of the pan! Well there’s a solution…
When Dairy isn’t an option
How do you get enough calcium when you don’t eat or drink dairy? We just had this conversation at our pediatrician’s office at my Cecelia’s last physical.
Product Review: SmashMallow Crispy Treats and my own version
I found Smash Mallow by accident while in the health food section of the grocery store.