The Good, The Bad, The Babkah
This will be a quick post about my first attempt at babkah. Let’s just say it wasn’t a complete fail but it also wasn’t a win either.
Nostalgic Rice Pudding
With this whole social distancing all I want are comfort foods or foods I grew up loving. One of those desserts is rice pudding. I don’t know about you but there is something so warm and inviting, eating something so rich and creamy.
Food restrictions and food allergies during the pandemic
As we are going into our fifth week of social distancing we are starting to get into a rhythm. We have virtual schooling, messaging and video calling friends, lots of outside time when the weather is favorable. Yet our meals have been mostly normal except our poor Cecelia had a nasty accident on the school playground right before schools were shut down…
To Sift or not to Sift that is the question
It’s been a crazy few weeks with social distancing in full swing. Baking has helped ease some anxiety and put smiles on my family’s faces (and maybe a few pounds on their waistlines)
how would you react?
Man: Does this flavor have nuts in it?
Ice Cream Server: Is there an allergy?
M: Yes.
Another installment of “how is that even possible”
We thought we were getting totally back on schedule. Well that was until someone grazed the water pipe for the sink and all of a sudden they hear a whoosh. And the pipe falls to the floor.
this rarely ever happens...
Yet another interesting quirk about our house has made itself known while the kitchen renovation is underway…
Traveling with Allergies or Intolerances
We are back to the hustle and bustle of summer schedules instead of being pampered in paradise. Now that we are home there are a few things that we can agree that were good, bad or ugly about traveling with allergies and food intolerances.
Hiccups in Renovation
We are quickly learning that nothing goes smooth when it comes to anything with our house. We should of known that a large project would be derailed at least three times before it even started.
Burnt to Blondie
I burnt the first batch horribly. The second batch refused to release from the paper. The third batch was only slightly burnt yet undercooked and foamy. Like how do you get blondies to foam?
Good Bye 1970’s say hello to today!
We have taken the giant leap, and after scrimping and saving, have decided to renovate our kitchen!
The Ultimate Blondie FAIL...
Found a great recipe with only one cup flour and only one egg! It sounded delicious and was super quick and easy to make. With multiple ingredient swap I decided to go from squares to muffins. This was the beginning of where things went wrong.