Cinnamon Zucchini Muffins
It’s summertime here and that means so many fruits and vegetables that are in season. With all these fresh options available I thought I needed to add some more veggies into my diet in muffin form so cinnamon zucchini muffins seemed like the perfect combination.
It’s time for Pumpkin whoopie pies!
Autumn is in it’s full splendor here in New England so apple and pumpkin season are here! Having two of my favorite food seasons overlap which is fine by me because they are so much fun to make special recipes with.
So coming up with a new pumpkin recipe seemed very appropriate…
The Best Blueberry Crumble Pie There Ever Was
Pie! Who doesn’t think of pies when the holidays are in full swing? One of my family’s favorites is my blueberry crumble pie. Maybe it’s because I only make it once a year or that I make it with love but whatever the reason people can’t say enough good things about it. So what better way to spread the holiday cheer than to share this recipe with you?
Easy peasy vegan pumpkin donuts
Pumpkin is the flavor of the month of November in my opinion so everything that I bake probably has pumpkin in it!
This super easy recipe is gluten free, vegan, and top eight allergen free. But don’t that fool you because it’s delicious.
Super Simple Pumpkin Muffins
November is here and it’s officially feeling like pumpkin weather! Yes, I may have taken a little longer to jump on the pumpkin spice bandwagon this year but seriously there were so many fabulous apple desserts I needed to get through first before I could happily move onto the next big flavor.
Gluten Free and Vegan Apple Cinnamon muffins
Fall is in full swing here in Massachusetts and of course my family has to go apple picking (multiple times!) at the local orchard(s). We love going for not only the fruit but the family bonding, memories, tractor rides, and the playgrounds.
Now with all these fun excursions there are a ton of apples that come into the house and for a family who does love their apples you can only eat so many before you turn into one so we make lots of fall apple recipes- like cider donuts, apple crisp, and now muffins.
Autumn and it’s time for apple crisp
When the weather gets that slight chill in the air I can’t get enough apples and cinnamon. Warm apple crisp is what I crave- it’s not only tasty, it makes the house smell amazing! Growing up in Massachusetts as soon as September comes around apple picking is on the docket!
Product Review: SmashMallow Crispy Treats and my own version
I found Smash Mallow by accident while in the health food section of the grocery store.
The Top 5 of my favorite quick grab snacks
If your life is anything like mine it is always go, go, go! And with life going faster than the speed of sound remembering to eat isn’t always on the top of the priority list.
Ooey Gooey Allergen Free Cinnamon Rolls!
January 2019 marks the new health adventure I began- going completely gluten free. This has been a great thing but as we all know once we are told something is off limits then all you crave and for me it’s been cinnamon rolls.
Family carrot cake- from allergen filled to allergen safe
Most store bought carrot cakes are super moist, delicious, and filled with nuts and slathered with cream cheese frosting. Heavenly for most but for those with food restrictions it’s just not an option.