Aquafaba Fluff
Marshmallow fluff is a staple in Massachusetts. It can be found in most grocery stores, and served in schools and even some restaurants. Look it up, we are known for the Fluffernutter! The traditional fluff is made with egg and gelatin which doesn’t fit into the vegan top eight allergen free world but it can with a few adaptations.
Fluff is a fun and versatile addition. It adds some excitement to traditional desserts or sandwiches for great texture or just ooey gooey deliciousness!
The magic of aquafaba can make fluff vegan and top eight allergen free. It’s amazing what a can of beans can create when enough whipping is involved (check out my original aquafaba blog explaining what it is). Chickpea juice works the best because it has a mostly clear aquafaba but any bean juice could work. It may not get the optimum color you may want but the flavor would be very similar.
The goal of this recipe is to whip enough air into the aquafaba to make a merengue. Just like traditional egg merengue beating the liquid until it becomes frothy. It then changes to a nice white color and after ten minutes or so stiff peaks are created. Now depending on the temperature of the liquid it may take more or less time to get to this stage. The fastest way to ensure stiff peaks is refrigerating the can of beans, the bowl and beaters overnight before you make the recipe. It’s not completely necessary but it does speed up the process.
Aquafaba, vanilla, and cream of tartar
Sugar added ready to turn into fluff.
The recipe is quite simple but the directions are very important to follow exactly or the merengue can deflate and become liquid again making all that hard work disappear faster than a toddler running from you when you realize they have something in their mouth they shouldn’t. This fluff is quite delicious and makes quite a bit. You can refrigerate leftovers in an airtight container but it may need to be beaten again due to some natural separation when stored.
Stiff peaks have formed turning it into fluff.
Have you tried to add flavoring to your fluff? Did it hold strong or separate? Let me know your results!